Colonel ANIL A ATHALE (Retd)

All stories by Colonel ANIL A ATHALE (Retd)

What a post-COVID-19 world may look like

What a post-COVID-19 world may look like

Rediff.com6 May 2020

'Whatever else may or may not happen, China and its people are likely to pay a very heavy price for the lack of transparency of its Communist regime,' predicts Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Beware of Pakistan!

Beware of Pakistan!

Rediff.com18 Apr 2020

'Elements like the LeT may see the fight against the coronavirus as an opportunity of a lifetime,' warns Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Dear Prime Minister Modi

Dear Prime Minister Modi

Rediff.com9 Apr 2020

'What is proposed is that we tax payers pay Rs 1,000 per month to selected JanDhan accounts of poor families.' 'I am sure there are at least 10 crore Indians for whom Rs 1,000 is no big deal.'

It is time for Hindus and Muslims to reconcile

It is time for Hindus and Muslims to reconcile

Rediff.com1 Apr 2020

'This Ram Navami -- the birth anniversary of Lord Ram -- presents the majority community an opportunity to shed its minority complex and offer an olive branch and discrimination- free society to the minority,' suggests Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

The Battle of Panipat, revisited

The Battle of Panipat, revisited

Rediff.com9 Mar 2020

Colonel Anil Athale (retd) recalls how the Battle of Panipat, 258 years ago, changed the history of India for the next century and half.

Remembering Shivaji The Great

Remembering Shivaji The Great

Rediff.com19 Feb 2020

'In a war of guerrilla resistance from 1682 to 1707, the Marathas destroyed the foundations of the Mughal empire.' 'Shivaji was dead, but his example and ideals survived and were the main source for inspiration for the Marathas in their desperate struggle with the mighty Mughal empire,' notes Colonel Anil A Athale (retd), the well known military historian.

The bogey of a Hindu Rashtra

The bogey of a Hindu Rashtra

Rediff.com31 Jan 2020

'The idea of a 'Hindu Rashtra' only emerged in the 1920s and 1930s.' 'The context at that time was the clear British attempt at 'divide and rule' between Hindus and Muslims and within Hindus on caste lines,' argues military historian Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

It's Bharatiyata, not Hindutva!

It's Bharatiyata, not Hindutva!

Rediff.com30 Jan 2020

It is time the current leaders who swear by 'cultural nationalism', that is religion neutral, assert that Bharatiyata is at the core of our nationalism and India was never a 'Hindu Rashtra', argues Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Tanhaji and the distortions of history

Tanhaji and the distortions of history

Rediff.com21 Jan 2020

'Indian apathy towards our historical heritage is indeed amazing,' says military historian Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

2020: Storm signals ahead for India!

2020: Storm signals ahead for India!

Rediff.com31 Dec 2019

'Our modern icons have assumed infallibility and think course correction or admission of a mistake as taboo.' 'Much will depend on the sagacity of the national leadership to show humility that our Gods showed.' 'Else, we are doomed in the coming year to divert our attention to firefighting rather than the task of nation building,' warns Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

How can calm return to the north east?

How can calm return to the north east?

Rediff.com14 Dec 2019

'In terms of sheer incompetence, this government has rivaled the Rajiv Gandhi-led government that was derisively called the 'Baba-log' government for its naive handling of many issues,' notes Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Amend CAB to include ALL persecuted peoples

Amend CAB to include ALL persecuted peoples

Rediff.com11 Dec 2019

'The Citizenship Amendment Bill is a classic case of short-term gain over-riding long-term interest. 'We must welcome all persecuted minorities from our neighbouring countries and not just Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and Buddhists,' says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Do we know where 150 million Indians spend?

Do we know where 150 million Indians spend?

Rediff.com10 Dec 2019

'Being one of the 150 million upper middle class consumers, I can vouch that the average expenses on white goods or clothing are minimal. Indians are not consumerist by nature,' says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Ayodhya verdict does not herald Hindu rashtra

Ayodhya verdict does not herald Hindu rashtra

Rediff.com15 Nov 2019

The Ayodhya verdict heralds not the beginning of theocracy or Hindu rashtra (that never existed in 5,000 years), but marks the end of a divisive phase of our history.

Ayodhya: Beyond the Supreme Court verdict

Ayodhya: Beyond the Supreme Court verdict

Rediff.com7 Nov 2019

Nothing would please our adversaries if the court verdict sees triumphalism on the part of the majority and sullen anger of the minority, says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Why we are poorer with Steve Cohen's passing

Why we are poorer with Steve Cohen's passing

Rediff.com4 Nov 2019

'Steve was the foremost strategic analyst on South Asia,' remembers Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Gandhi the strategist

Gandhi the strategist

Rediff.com2 Oct 2019

'Many misunderstood non-violent satyagraha as a passive strategy; it was anything but that,' notes Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

How to counter Pakistan's nuclear sabre-rattling

How to counter Pakistan's nuclear sabre-rattling

Rediff.com18 Sep 2019

'India should pledge that it will only target those provinces of Pakistan where nuclear weapons are located,' says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

'Even Pakistan will ditch Kashmir...'

'Even Pakistan will ditch Kashmir...'

Rediff.com16 Sep 2019

'.. if the cost is its own survival,' says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

The difference between Kargil and Balakot

The difference between Kargil and Balakot

Rediff.com26 Jul 2019

'We took the initiative after Balakot and continued to hold it, forcing Pakistan to react.' 'This was not the case in the Kargil conflict.' 'At that time we 'reacted' to Pakistan's actions,' points out Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

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